5G and Beyond

Wireless Power Transfer in Future Communication Networks

Organizer and Chair:

Ioannis Krikidis, University of Cyprus

Submission Guidelines

Full Papers: Full paper submissions of original work (not previously published, or under review at another conference or journal) must not be longer than five pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Best papers will be fast tracked to Computer Networks (Elsevier) and Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier) Journals.

Submissions are now accepted through EDAS: [Start a new submission here]

At least one author of each accepted paper/poster/demo must register for the conference and present the paper. Authors are encouraged to use the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings format for either Latex or Microsoft Word. All full paper submissions will undergo a full TPC review process while all extended abstract submissions will undergo a light review process that will give a greater weight to papers that lend themselves to interactive discussions among workshop attendees.

Important Dates

   Paper submission deadline:   April 28, 2019
   Notification of acceptance:     May 15, 2019
   Camera-ready papers due:    May 22, 2019

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