Fourth International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking
Novi Sad, Serbia, September 20-22, 2021
Fourth International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking
Novi Sad, Serbia, September 20-22, 2021
Wireless Future in the New Decade
Information and Communication Technologies as a Key enabler for Energy Transition
Organizers and Chairs:
Nermin Suljanović, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina; EIMV, Slovenia
Matej Zajc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia
Scope of the Papers
The process of digitalisation of the electricity supply chain and introduction of the smart grid led to a significant increase of data generation and information exchange between numerous stakeholders. This special session aims to solicit papers that cover various ICT topics related to transition towards smart grid and green energy goals in general.
Rapid transition of centralised power systems into distributed smart grid enforces innovative ICT-based approaches to increase the efficiency and reliability of modern sustainable power and energy systems and to enable more central role of end-users.
Two-way communication between many actors relies on wide spectrum of communication technologies, from centralized legacy systems to state of the art mobile technologies enabling decentralized active participation of end-users.
Public Internet is becoming a de-facto standard for demanding energy services ranging from aggregation of distributed energy services within virtual power plants to decentralised block-chain services for smart energy communities.
Data is crucial for the operation of modern power systems. Systems need to exchange information through different communication interfaces and protocols. With introduction of many new participants and distributed systems fast and reliable data interoperability is crucial to enable reliable system operation.
Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original manuscripts on topics related to digitalization of energy systems including but not limited to:
Submission Guidelines
This Special Session will feature both invited papers and papers from an open call. Full papers and short papers/extended abstracts as defined below can be submitted.
Full Papers: Full paper submissions of original work (not previously published, or under review at another conference or journal) must not be longer than five pages and will be published in the conference proceedings.
Short Papers and Extended Abstracts: Submissions must not be longer than two pages. They should convince the reader that the author(s) would give an exciting presentation and stimulate lively discussion (will be published in the conference proceedings). Note that it is fully expected that extended abstract papers accepted for the session will eventually be extended as full papers suitable for formal academic publication and presentation at other conferences/publications
Please use the IEEE template as described here. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: July 15, 2021 August 19, 2021
Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2021
Camera-ready papers due: September 11, 2021
Nermin Suljanović, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina; EIMV, Slovenia, Email: [email protected]
Matej Zajc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia, Email: [email protected]
Conference Series