BalkanCom 2022 Special Session:
Massive Internet of Things and Edge Computing
Organizers and Chairs:
- Čedomir Stefanović, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Dejan Vukobratović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Scope of the Papers
Collecting massive amounts of data and its processing in a timely manner at the network edge enables a number of emerging distributed and low-latency network applications and services. Wireless communication technologies that provide massive access to the network by billions of devices, efficient distributed storage, and computing algorithms facilitate the development of future large-scale autonomous systems. Some of the important examples of application areas fostered by these technolgies are smart grid, smart cities, smart transportation, smart agriculture and personalized healthcare.
Recent advances in uncoordinated access protocols, edge and cloud computing, and machine learning applications open exciting new possibilities for novel networking architectures and solutions tailored for massive IoT systems. This special session aims to present the recent advances in the theoretical foundations and practical applications of massive IoT systems and edge computing algorithms and architectures, with emphasis on:
- Random and multiple access algorithms for massive IoT
- Cellular IoT technologies for beyond 5G
- Low-power Wide Area Networks
- Non-Terrestrial IoT networks
- Cloud and edge computing for IoT
- Information processing and machine learning in massive IoT
- Massive IoT applications and case studies
- Massive IoT testbeds and experimentation
Submission Guidelines
This Special Session will feature both invited papers and papers from open call.
Full Papers: Full paper submissions of original work (not previously published, or under review at another conference or journal) must not be longer than five pages.
Short Papers and Extended Abstracts: Submissions must not be longer than two pages. They should convince the reader that the author(s) would give an exciting presentation and stimulate lively discussion (will NOT be published in the conference proceedings).
Submissions are now accepted through EDAS.
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: July 9, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2022
- Camera-ready papers due: August 1, 2022
Contact us:
- Čedomir Stefanović: [email protected]
- Dejan Vukobratović: [email protected]